Personalised & optimised content

Updated on 14 October 2019

Introduction to personalised and optimised content.

Take advantage of using one of the top platforms providing personalisation and content optimisation and maximise the user experience of your website. It is a common practice for most large, web-focused companies and products to employ optimisation tools as it can quickly bring back results with a minimum cost. Create and measure the impact of personalised variants based on visitors' characteristics like location, device type, behaviour and many more

The good news is, you do not need to be running a multi-million dollar online business to start benefiting from it. With a platform like Google Optimize you can start now on a zero budget. The integration of Google Optimize is extremely simple. Follow this link for a step-by-step guide. Once the installation is complete, you can start your first website personalisation within minutes.

How does content personalisation work?

Website personalisation lets you change text, styles, images, layouts and even functional parts of your website. Any part of your site can be targeted using personalisation platform like Google Optimize. Think of it as a bundle of changes that are supposed to improve the user experience, make the content more relevant or present your users with a new type of content altogether. These adjustments can be as small or as large as you deem necessary but they can carry a significant effect on the user engagement.

How about changing the contact number for the mobile phone visitors based in London? Or displaying a more targeted message to the returning prospects? No problem! The platform lets you easily build and launch new variants and also comes with a built in Google Analytics integration to measure the impact of each change.

But how can you find and determine which personalisations are making a positive impact on your website and how to avoid costly mistakes driving the web traffic away? This is where testing comes into play.

The benefits of testing and optimising your website.

The same Google Optimize tool that lets you implement improved user experience for specific audiences, provides solutions for trying out new ideas and quantifying their effects. You can choose from different test types to accommodate the best approach for the site enhancements. Multivariate, A/B or redirect experiments will be at your disposal. They all have specific use cases so make sure to learn more about them to get the most out of the platform. You can set multiple tests running on your website simultaneously and have full access to the measuring tools to determine the winner.

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